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Almost every night I have the same dream. It's either a text or a call from a family member or someone from church. They tell me something that's going on this weekend that they want me to attend. I respond with "Of course! I wouldn't miss it." I then think to myself, sure I can just take a weekend and visit everyone, it won't take me too long. I shortly wake up after this dream and realize that, of course, I can't go home and simply visit for a day or two. My time here in Argentina is very short, especially when I think of it in terms of my whole life. Although, being away from your family and your friends that you also consider family; any length of time seems infinite.

Another blessing happens before my eyes, one that was only a dream. The people that I met in my day old outfit at the airport, you know the day I couldn't order a muffin? Well, they've become family too. Buenos Aires now holds a place in my heart, and I will always consider it another home. How does one go about balancing all of these families and homes? I don't have the answer to that, but I have a theory. I also have a funny feeling that this process of home and family will keep happening as I grow older.

Homes are not made of 4 walls- that is a house. A home is anywhere with family, it's mobile and there can be as many as life gifts one with. Gaining all of these things are the risks of traveling. Whenever I've done something that has scared or intimidated me, that is when miracles like these have occurred. Actually, I lied just a little bit ago. I feel I should warn you all that this doesn't just happen when traveling, these are simply the consequences of living. I couldn't be more lucky than to have such hazards as these.

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